5646 Corporate Way, WPB FL 33407
Phone: 561-616-0555

Estoppel Requests from Title Companies:

There is a $275 upfront estoppel fee payable to the General Ledger. (rush requests are $375). Please mail the estoppel with the check to our office at 5646 Corporate Way, WPB, FL 33407. It is usually less than a week turnaround based on all of the information that we have to gather from various parties.

For WOODBINE Subdivisions:(Aspri, Bonisle, Casa Rio, Dorado, Elpine, Galleon, Hacienda, Jardin, Seminole)

There is a Woodbine Master association.  

Buyers need to order an estoppel for the Master association as well as one through our office. Please email them at cpmresales@campbellproperty.com
There is an approval process. Please call  (561-840-9225) for information on the process.

For all other questions please email hoa@thegeneralledger.com